Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

Sometimes I wonder where I would be in this life without my little man, okay I wonder it every second of everyday. It is hard to imagine that at one point he was not even a part of my life. He is amazing all the way around. From his fun personality, to his sweet kisses, to his "Hey mom, I love you!"s, to his silly little fake laughs and his wild stories he likes to tell... there is nothing I would change about my DaxC! He is truly the love of my life and the best friend I could ever ask for. I love to sneak in his room at night and kiss his sweaty little forehead while he sleeps. One of our favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is lay in my bed and watch a movie on my Nook Tablet. I really am one lucky Momma!!

Best Valentine EVER!!! Love you DaxC boy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Love

Just wanted to post a few pics of my little lover!

Perfect little thing :) LOVE HIM!

Monday, February 6, 2012


I believe in fate, or maybe it is all I have left to cling to. I believe that there is a reason for every person who steps into each of our lives and the time they did so. I believe in soul mates, and I don't particulary mean as in a spouse, but more as in best friends that know you inside and out, even if you have only known each other a little over a year.

I mean, look at these pics and tell me you don't believe these boys were meant to be best friends...

 Dax was trying really hard to make the same fist as Dak. 

And THAT ^ is why I believe in fate.