This year I had very mixed emotions with school starting. The kids truly need a schedule and do much better when they are going to school and getting good bedtimes. It is really hard to get in the swing of things again though, for Momma and the kiddo's! And the part that has caused me lots of stress, anxiety and tears... my BABY started All-Day Kindergarten, All-Day. That is 8 - 3 everyday, school lunch and 3 recesses! The whole Shebang!!! And wouldn't you know, he is doing absolutely great! I may or may not have been the crazy Mother that sits across the street to watch him on the playground. And if I did happen to do that, it was only for a day or 2, because if you know Dax at all he is extremely independent and was JUST FINE. Which makes me so happy and proud of him, yet so sad at the same time because I know that he is growing up. And before I know it he will be in High School and College! So have any of you tried the brick/rock trick? Ya know, put a rock on their head so they stop growing up?!? I do not think it is a bad idea at all ;)

I just have one question!
When did this red-headed baby of mine...
that was so little and needed his Mommy all the time....
become this big boy.....
that goes to Kindergarten All-Day?!?!?
Brylee Ann is a Big First Grader! And I am pretty sure she is the cutest one in the County =)
Bronsen Larry is in Third Grade and is most definatly one of the smartest, coolest 3rd Graders around!
Dax Chad is in Kindergarten! And I know he is the the most handsome thing to hit Ashman Elementary ever!
Here is to a great school year and a house full of the 3 smartest kids I know!
I love those baby pictures of Dax! Sending your baby off all day is so hard! So hard to let go! But don't worry (sadly) it gets easier! All 3 kids look adorable! ;)
Thanks Lins! It is starting to get a little easier, but somedays I still cry. Miss you guys. Kiss all those pretty girlies for me! XOXO
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