Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reasons I love Fall Time

I'm a Summer girl, through and through. I love the dead heat of Summer and all the fun events that take place. I love the time spent outside, the sunshine and long summer evenings. I would be perfectly content in a warmer climate, like St George or AZ. I do, however, enjoy the changing seasons that we get here in Central Utah. I could easily get depressed that Summer is leaving, so I always have to remind myself why I love the other seasons too.

So... here is a little list of my favorite Fall things:

* The beautiful colors from the valley floors clear to the mountain tops.
* Halloween is soon. I LOVE Halloween :) And then Thanksgiving, CHRISTMAS (YAHOOOO) and New Years! I admit it, I am a Holiday Freak!
* A change in wardrobe. Bring warmer clothes out of the basement and put Summer attire away. Almost like a whole new wardrobe :)
* Bottling!!! It is something my sweet Grandma Georgie has taught me and even though it is too hard for her to do now a days, I enjoy doing it in my home with my kiddo's and letting them help, so they can have the memories like I do. Plus, it just feels so nice to use the things I know that I have made through out the year. It feels so rewarding!
* The smells... Delish! It is always funny to me how a fall scent just does not smell right from January to August, but come September, it just smells right. Fall scents are so comfy and homey to me.
* Cuddling - Getting out a warm blankey and snuggling with my loves makes me a happy Momma :)

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

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