It is official, my blonde haired, skinny minny, cowgirly, smart, gorgeous, perfect little Sister got married to her amazing man this weekend! It honestly turned out more than perfect for her and Zach. The weather was just right. We ate and drank until our hearts and belly's were completely content. We had lots of laughs and made tons of great memories. The turn out was amazing and I was so happy to see so many friends and family members. Brons, Bry and Dax walked down the isle together and Dax got the rings to the Bride and Groom without even losing them. (That made for a thankful Momma!) There were lots of happy tears shed and lots of love shared between all.
Dax is such a tender hearted, emotional little man. (I have NO clue where he got that from ;) After the wedding ceremony, he came up to hug me and told me he had a hard time not crying during the wedding because he is so happy for Jonie and Zach. Then he layed his head in my lap and cried for a good 5 minutes. Just happy tears, he said. When we were cleaning up to come home on Sunday, he was saying bye to Jonie and did the same thing to her, layed his head in her neck and cried. He said he is happy for her, but sad she is moving away. What a precious little man he is.
It was such a fun filled, busy day that I didn't get a ton of pictures, but here are a few!
{Me, Ronnie & Molly} |
{Miss Lynzee & I - not just cousins, but forever friends too!} |
{The handsome little ring bearer himself. The other kids were not having anything to do with pictures!} |
{Jonie & Zach Hone est. 9/28/13} |
{Daddy/Daughter Dance - I love their expressions!!!}
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